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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Ive seen this on the news once!

I am so sick of the media playing games with us. Good reporters are few and far between now. Especially the news shows now...it's all about ratings and pleasing the viewers! I don't want to be spoon fed the news or brainwashed by them choosing what I get to see! That is sadly what a lot of people settle for...the easy way.

When Bush overturned Clintons abortion policy it was all over the news. Where are all those "reporters" when Obama is doing the same to Bush?

"WASHINGTON (AFP) – President Barack Obama overturned what he described as an "unwarranted" eight-year ban on US government funding for family-planning groups which carry out or facilitate abortions overseas."

Can someone tell me ....WHY in the world are we paying for it OVERSEAS? I wouldn't want to pay for it in my own country but especially not someone elses! And yes I said "I" wouldn't want to pay for it because whether you realize it or not these "government funded programs" are taking money right out of your pockets! This is the "cut back in spending" Obama promised? That makes no sense! Can anyone explain that to me?

"Anti-abortion groups were up in arms and vowed to fight the move.

"We were prepared for this and we will work very hard in Congress to see what we can do to get this overturned," Judie Brown, president of the American Life League, told AFP.

"I think it's a horrible tactic to take toward third world countries if the best we can do for them is provide organizations with the money needed to perform abortions on their children," she said.

Tony Perkins, head of the Family Research Council, said lifting the gag rule was tantamount to "exporting a culture of death," and House Republican Whip Eric Cantor said he was "saddened by this decision and the lives that will be lost because of it." - www.rawstory.com

I am hopeful that Obama will wake up and realize that his plans and what he wants to do to this country will lead to nothing but a huge mess. But you won't hear about it on the news...so don't worry....they can't afford to let him look bad. They have another term to think about. And of course anything your kids read about him in school will be about how great he is/was as a president....think about it tho....WHO runs the school system? Do some research. Why do you think there is so much talk about revamping schools and changing curriculum? They do it all the time and all it has led to is the "dumbing down of our country" and the children are the ones that pay for it in the end. Parents need to get more involved in not only their kids schooling but also in politics! I know it sounds so hard and so time consuming and you might even get into a debate or two....GOOD! Get off your butt and do something about the way our country is behaving. I am sick of it....and you should be too!

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