"Preteens allegedly kidnap baby, demand ransom
ENID, Oklahoma (AP) -- Detectives arrested a 12-year-old girl and her 10-year-old sister for allegedly abducting their neighbor's 1-year-old son and demanding $200,000 for his return.

Authorities escort two sisters, ages 10 and 12. The girls are accused of abducting their neighbor's baby.
Brandon Wells was back at home Thursday night, hours after intruders broke into his family's residence and took him while his mother, Sheila Wells, slept, police said.
"I've been doing this 18 1/2 years, and this is the first time I know of when a 10- and a 12-year-old kidnapped a 1-year-old," said police Capt. Dean Grassino. "It definitely ranks up there with the unusual crimes."
"If you want to see your son again then you won't call police and report him missing and you will leave $200,000 on the sofa tonight and we will return your son back safe," the note read, according to police.
The girls appeared in Garfield County District Court on Thursday afternoon and were taken to Community Intervention Center for juveniles. They have not been formally charged.
"I know they're so young, but they need to learn from their mistakes," Wells said.
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. "If you want to see your son again then you won't call police and report him missing and you will leave $200,000 on the sofa tonight and we will return your son back safe," the note read, according to police.
The girls appeared in Garfield County District Court on Thursday afternoon and were taken to Community Intervention Center for juveniles. They have not been formally charged.
"I know they're so young, but they need to learn from their mistakes," Wells said."
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press.
This is a crazy story! I wonder what gave these kids this idea? It also makes me wonder how kids can think that they can get away with this...or if they thought they were doing it as a joke....what gave them the idea that it was funny? What do you think? Do you think the media or video games or some other influence causes kids to behave like this? Do you think it is parents who don't teach their kids how to respect others? It just all makes me wonder. This is just one story but I am sure there are many others with children acting out in ways as outrageous as this. What can we do to change the course of a generation?